Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal targets the hair structure, from the hair shaft down to the hair follicle. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, where the pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the light from the laser and heats up. When the follicle heats up, it becomes damaged which inhibits the hair follicles regenerative properties, achieving permanent hair removal. The laser is able to achieve this by settings determined in accordance to an individual’s hair type and color, skin type as well as providing the maximum amount of skin protection. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the amount of energy that can be handled by an individual. That takes into account the lasers wavelength, pulse duration, amount of hair, and the area being treated.
The amount of sessions need does vary from person to person, but the norm is typically 5-6 sessions.
To prepare for laser hair removal treatment it is important not to tweeze, wax, use an epilator or to use a depilatory (hair removal cream) for at least six weeks before treatment.